
Bleeding hearts have always reminded me of my mom. I am who I am because her. In making a piece to give to her in a project that is supposed to be about my narrative, I am making a statement that her story is mine, and mine is hers. The audience is able to make assumptions between how she has raised us and the people we have grown to be. In collaboration, my siblings wrote and produced the song. Working with my siblings was purposeful in that it shows that who we are is tied to our moms past growth as she passes what she learned down to us. The string of flowers reminds me of a cohesive family that shares in experiences which I feel is true in our family. In an artistic sense, I was attempting to create a low resolution 2000s aesthetic that makes the audience feel nostalgic. I tried to get the movement of the flowers to hold attention and imply life in the still images, while directing their conscious thoughts to the lyrics, and their feelings being guided by the speed and direction of the camera.

Bleeding Hearts Vimeo

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