I personally did not resonate with the IFP experience. I am the kind of person who works best in an environment with very little distraction and I just did not feel that this space offered that. I did appreciate the other spaces they offer such as the library and the recording room. However, I found the projection to be quite strange. I also thought the coffee shop was especially noisy when we walked by. I was also confused as to why there were so many young children in the space. I don’t have a problem with kids, but I do wonder if there presence is appropriate in a communal workspace. I found the first speaker on criminal justice to be far more compelling than the presenter on the topic of miniatures. Even though the criminal justice speaker had good content to share about his work, I did not feel like I was really learning anything about how he became successful, or even if he was successful. I wish we got the opportunity to speak more with experts on how to cultivate an attraction to our work. As for the talk about the doll houses, I found it to be very off-topic and not applicable to anything I would think of doing. I understand that we probably had her speak to stress the point that we could really talk about anything on our podcast,but I felt that message was already apparent.


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