Its definitely always important to know the background and history of a topic or field you are about to dive into. The talk was very good for that purpose. I did not really know too much about VR and only thought of it in a gaming capacity. The talk introduced me to journalism VR and that really interested me. I take a journalism class so it really opened my eyes to a new sector of journalism and story telling. I totally see how VR in that sense could evoke stronger emotions in people and even change the world.

The talk helped me understand where VR even came from. Its good to know the names that nourished the concept and industry. It was also helpful to know how it all started and how we arrive at the VR that we know and experience today. The talk really interested me and motivated me to try and learn more about the uses of VR and how I too could potentially create a VR experience that could change the world. The presentation was resourceful and made me feel more confident in the subject area and VR no longer seems like this big complex technology. It is meant to be accessible and useable and is meant to reach a larger audience than it is. The cardboard version of the headset really demonstrates that for us.

I really hope I can use VR for my project and if not, I hope I have the knowledge and means to explore it even later on. I took AP Computer Science in Highschool so I am pretty O.K. learning coding etc and working with technology so im excited to see where this goes.

VR Talk

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