Space/ Materiality Haptic Project FINAL

After class on Tuesday, we were instructed to go home and add on three separate forms of texture to our cardboard sculptures. While I was manipulating my texture board, I found that I really disliked the over all look of the cardboard when it is cut to shreds. Rather, I enjoy the clean lines of the smooth surface itself. Instead of cutting apart the cardboard, I wanted to add onto the cardboard.  This is when I began experimenting with thread, and developed an interest in weaving thread in and out of holes, already cut into the cardboard, to create a type of web-like texture.

As instructed, I created three textures by cutting variously shaped holes in three of the main pieces of my sculpture. I choose not to include three contrasting types of texture, solely for aesthetic reasons. As a minimalist, and lover of everything modern, I really wanted to tear away from my sculpture looking too cluttered and focus more on the use of space and line. Playing with the silhouette  by adding thread webs to my sculpture adds an extra dimension and meaning to the work.

In life, we tend to find ourselves in situations where we don’t have everything we need; from money and knowledge, to relationships and time. When I moved to New York City, I had a few gaps to fill of my own, involving several different areas of my life. I aimed to visualize this ‘gap-filling’ by creating a threaded web. To fill in the gabs, I erected a false-wall, in memory of the shape cut out before, with a contemporary and distinctive medium. In a way, this work can reflect any situation, but as an example, it mirrors how a community must cooperatively gather the available resources, and fill the voids that our society faces today – just like one must find new habits or coping mechanisms to get over hard times.








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