Space/ Materiality Body Sculpture PROCESS

Last week we began our Body Armor/Sculpture project. Instructed to stick with the medium of cardboard, I knew that this project would be far more difficult than the last. My first idea was to create a head-piece with some type of veil, but after further consideration I realized that I felt more comfortable working around the shoulder and neck area.

After coming down with Bronchitis, I had to take a few days off of my work and started fresh by constructing a form similar to a shoulder pad for the foundation of my work. To ‘attach’ it to my body, I connected adjacent corners with thick yarn to ensure durability and create a more sleek and composed aesthetic. To produce this foundation, I used a stencil made of paper to make sure that I had the correct shape for the form that I wanted. Since the cardboard I am using is fairly thin, I was able to bend and manipulate the material easily – allowing me to create the silhouette I was looking for. This folding also added a ribbed texture to the cardboard that I plan on further working with.

To further extend this form, I tried several different options, from scales to a yarn-wrap. None came out to my liking, so I ended up re-creating my original piece and added a second layer to add dimension.




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