Sustainable Systems: “Tapped” Response

After watching “Tapped” I felt as if I was opened up to a completely new set of ideas that I hadn’t known before. Out of several issues that were discussed; the two stood out the most were the fact that by 2030, we will have used 1/3 of our ground water, and the simple fact that corporations such as Nestle are monopolizing the water industry. As quoted by a civilian living in Maine, the “corrupt compromised process” is slowly killing the economic welfare and personal wellbeing of small towns the US. Corporations are literally pumping up water for free and selling it back to citizens at a 1000-2000% markup. Not only is this a problem, but the process of getting the water, and creating the plastic water bottles used to hold it brings up an entire new argument. PET (the main component on plastic water bottles) leaches into the water and can cause adverse effects such as cancer and birth defects. People who life around the oil processing plants used to obtain PET are getting sick as well, which is another obvious downside of plastic water bottles.

One of the most shocking things I learned while watching this documentary was how  bottled water is more likely than not, worse than tap water. Coorperations look to other way, and turn a blind eye to the hundreds of chemicals that can be found in their water, simply for a profit.  This begs questions such as, “why are we even buy bottles water?” to be asked.

I will most certainly be rethinking my bottled water usage after watching this video. I already knew the awful effects they have on the environment, but after learning all that I stated above, I will be trying my hardest to sick to using my re-usable water bottle. In addition to this, I will be spreading this knowledge to my fellow peers, colleagues, and family because not a lot of people know this information.

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