Three People

The defining principle of my observation is the use of technology in a studious environment – specifically headphones. Since the technological boom, students have become unable to focus and concentrate without a driving force, and 9 out of 10 students I observed at the Bobst library were utilizing headphones to keep their focus. While observing students, I found that those who had both headphones plugged in, they were engulfed in their work, attentive to their surrounding, and closed off from distractions. On the other hand, I noticed that those who didn’t have any headphones in seemed to be far more distracted, on their phones, looking up and around, and simply staring out the window. This makes me question what has happened to one’s ability to concentrate since the heavy integration of technology – is it a bad thing that one may or may not be able to pay attention and stay motivated to work with or without a distraction (in this case music)? I personally believe that this may not necessarily be a bad thing; taking into consideration grades, work ethic, and overall attentiveness, I think that if a student finds themselves working harder by listing to music, then they should do so.

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