Birds of a Feather

Cornel & Gris


Before this assignment, I had never heard of either Cornel or Gris, or even seen their work before. I decided to avoid any research before viewing the exhibit, and enter the exhibition completely ignorant to the work simply because I wanted to observe the relationships between the artists with a pair of fresh eyes. Upon entrance, I immediately noticed Cornel used a lot of different techniques in his art forms, but mostly utilized collage and 3-dimensional aspects. This sense of three-dimensionality is directly inspired by Gris, and by incorporating the birds into the shadow boxes shows that Cornel’s work directly speaks to Gris’.



Christian Glover & Frank Loyd Wright


As a child, my father was an architect, and drew heavy inspiration from the great, Frank Loyd Wright. Since then, I have seen almost all of his works, and have even visited some of his creations like his own personal home/ studio located in Phoenix, Arizona. For some reason, I have always been fascinated with Wright’s ability to use color, and clean lines to effortlessly create mid-century modern masterpieces. I am also impressed with Wright’s natural tendency to utilize the space that surrounds his buildings and somehow integrate the setting(s) in his designs. In my work, I can clearly see crosshairs between Wright and I’s. Even though I am not designing buildings, I take his minimalistic eye for color, space, and form, and incorporate them into my works.

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