Starting Research For Studio

Ai Weiwei Starting Research 

Born: August 28th 1957, Beijing China

Where are they from? Beijing

Where did they travel or live as adults? From 1981 to 1993 he lived in the US (Philadelphia and San Francisco)

Where were their most important exhibitions or projects? Sunflower Seeds, Beijings National stadium

Where did they go to school or apprentice? Beijing Film Academy to study film, Parsons School of Design

What movement or art/design scene was your person a part of? Excessivism (reflection, examination or investigation of every aspect of life and society

Name at least one other person in that group. Chalets Guedel

What time period or event or set of works are you most interested in so far, and where does this fall on your timeline? Political pieces of art that led him to getting arrested/how he designed the “birds nest”

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