Time: Book Project

For this project we were assigned to create a book representing a story or memory we had. I chose to visit a park in NYC that I used to go to everyday and document my time going back and looking at all the things that I play on during my childhood. I hadn’t been back to that park in over 10 years so this experience was very personal to me. In class I really liked the idea of a accordion book so I experimented with creating one out of triangles.

I folded rectangles of paper together to make a triangular accordion book. The book is able to fold back into a single triangle and open up into this flower. As for the photos, I really wanted to focus on texture. Since I was a lot shorter when I went there I remember thinking that the jungle gym and the slide were so big. When I thought about the park I could remember parts of it but I couldn’t remember the details and textures that I felt everyday when I was a child. I tried photographing all of my favorite things at the park and photograph it using a really small macro lens.

I really liked this project because I was able to have a very personal experience going back after all this time. Now that I’m “grown up” I combined my love for photography and my love for this playground and photographed the beauty of it.


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