Transitional Space Photography


Transitional space is a pass through that connects two different places. In this project my aim is to symbolize past, present and future with a single photograph that represents experimental dimensions  of passage.










The subject is the same transitional space as in the single image project. But now, you will be conveying a sense of time and motion through the juxtaposition of multiple images (photographs and/or drawings) on a single page.


Scathing for the final panel project.

In the panels, there are several images taken in only one minute. Lightning is almost the same. Cameras angle is almost the same. Only difference is the moving woman in green, carrying her baby. Upper panel is the starting point, showing how the way out looks from the bottom and after that panels move from left to right. Woman climbed the stairs. As a whole the panels are gathered together to create another image. The lines and colors are carefully organized to give the feeling of a collage.





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