Final Assignment

This semester have changed me in many ways. I improved my sight with all the model drawings. I have learned how to display what I see. I have learned to use the time.  I have learned to see the figures, silhouettes, and put meaning to all the shapes. I have learned the power of color and all the thing color can change. Photoshop and illustrator have made this ride ben more exciting. It is extremely fun to use them and they save hours of  time in each project.

Now I am aware of the unintentional meanings I used to put in my art and am able to control the meaning with colors and shapes. With every critique, I have realized the strong connection with backgrounds of my classmates with their works. This showed me how culture has a significant role in art.

My most successful project was my body in city. Because it really illustrated my feelings at that time and was visually pleasing to me.

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