100 Drawings!

A sketch can show a bit of unconsciousness if enough time is spent on it. But if you draw 100 of them in on sitting there is no way you can hide your conciseness! On these 100 drawings I didn’t thought where to start or where to end it. Each drawing expended my ideas and I kept on drawing until it turned in to a circular story that returns in to its beginning. The story is made out of images than can mean different things to different people.

Additionally there are some sketches that were drawn with a different style on a different sitting, these ones didn’t turn out to be as meaningful as the first series but they are each made out of only one line making them a challenge to draw.

To conclude I got inspired by my own drawings and this amazed me. I could never imagine some of the ideas there if I didn’t forced myself to carry on. It is wonderful to realize that sometimes all we need for creativity is to look inside.

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