Bridge 2 – 7 Diptychs and Questions

Final 7 Diptychs

Questions for “Container”

  • What conversation happened between each image in this diptych?

The conversation between the two diptychs is one that expresses two forms of containment. The first one, of me inside the box, shows myself forcing myself into a situation to then be “shipped” and used. The second one, of me being drank from, is one that shows the actual consumption on a more intimate level.

  • How was the medium selected successful at supporting the content of your object, form, or image? (if it was not as successful as others, why?)

The medium is successful as I was able to show the actual use of my body as a metaphor for my identity and feelings. It was also successful as I was able to have an intense connection with the viewer with my eye contact.

  • How did the materiality (medium used) affect the content or meaning of the individual artworks?

I think the medium gives the content and meaning a sense of permanence, as the images do not change or have a sense of movement. The medium makes the content one of the self, as an interesting investigation into my own head.

  • What did you learn about your content through this medium exploration?

What I learned about my content through the medium is that I enjoy putting myself in these vulnerable and uncomfortable positions in order to achieve art that I am proud of and that helps me discover something about myself.

  • How did the medium you used change the context of your object, form, or image?

I think the medium makes the context a little ambiguous.

  • What websites / books / museums / galleries / other artists did you research during this process for ideas and inspiration?

I looked at performance art and photography from Robert Mappelthorpe and Marina Abramovic.

Regarding the whole process:

  • How does this experiment shift your overall thesis question?

Before my thesis question was focusing on the general expression of emotion, but I think I might tailor it to expressions of specific emotions and how hard it is to do so.

Questions for “Supper”

  • What conversation happened between each image in this diptych?

The conversation is between the perspective of the “eaters” or the consumers of me as an object and the perspective as myself as the object.

  • How was the medium selected successful at supporting the content of your object, form, or image? (if it was not as successful as others, why?)

I think the medium was successful in adding a performative almost experimental quality to the work. Sadly though I did not get the shots that exactly wanted, as my head (and therefore my eye contact) was accidentally cut from the frame, which made the piece less successful in my perspective.

  • How did the materiality (medium used) affect the content or meaning of the individual artworks?

The medium allowed for the content and meaning to become more lively, as you can see my breathing, which always for the meaning to be more about me as a “human object” rather than just an object.

  • What did you learn about your content through this medium exploration?

I learned that I enjoyed the performative and unconventional nature of these piece and learned from this type of objectification as an interesting starting off point to investigate in the next 2 diptychs.

  • How did the medium you used change the context of your object, form, or image?

I think the medium made the context of my piece become a weird, modern interpretation of the last supper, giving it a slightly spiritual undertone.

  • What websites / books / museums / galleries / other artists did you research during this process for ideas and inspiration?

I looked at performance art and photography from Robert Mappelthorpe and Marina Abramovic.

Regarding the whole process:

  • How does this experiment shift your overall thesis question?

Before my thesis question was focusing on the general expression of emotion, but I think I might tailor to expressions of specific emotions and how hard it is to do so.

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