What is Success?

I think success is whatever makes a person happy and content with how their life is. Success isn’t determined by all the nice things a person has or the money they make but how what they are doing affects their life.  You don’t need to be making millions to be successful. My dad for sure doesn’t make millions but to me, he is successful. He provided my family with a beautiful house that I grew up in and sent all his kids to a private school for high school to give us the best education and gave us some spending money every once and a while. He works hard for his money and also did an amazing job raising my siblings and me. That’s what success looks like to me. Success is something that works really well like seeing how you raised your kids so they can grow up and have success in their own life. I hope to one day to have as much success as my parents have and not think that I need to do more because society says success is something different.

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