Final Project Reflection- Memory

The myth/Fairytale I choose to write about and create an art piece for was Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer. I choose this story because I felt like I related to it a lot in my real life when I was in high school so I wanted my modern twist on the story to be in that setting as well. I created an art piece that related to feeling like a “misfit” but wanting to change it by making it into something beautiful. So how I related my seminar piece to my studio piece was by taking the idea of misfit toys and creating a piece from it.

For the Studio piece, I asked random people and also found discussion forms online of times when people felt out-of-place or different and wrote it down on origami paper so I could later turn it into beautiful origami pieces. I wanted to create a different figure for every piece I did which represented that everyone is unique and that should be embraced not looked down on. I also bought a box to paint so it looked like a toy box so when I put the origami figures in it, they all came together representing how these people’s moments of feeling out of place, let them all come to together. I also wanted to make the origami figures different colors and use different patterns to try and make them appealing to people seeing them, hoping that they would love to have one because in Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer, all the misfit toys were toy that no one wanted and I wanted that to be different with my “toys”.

For Seminar, having to give the story a modern style was difficult but having the class workshop it was very helpful and also the comments Maya gave me on how to make it better. Earlier in the year, we did an assignment on a memory we had and was asked to put dialog in it, which I have never really done before. That assignment has changed my writing because I actually really like putting in dialog now and think it adds more to my stories. I did find it hard writing this story because I felt like I had to write a whole story in just five pages when I thought there were key parts missing but in the end, think I fixed it by adding just enough to make it clear and thought out.

Rudolf the Star Football Player-roughfinal-ztcaxl

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