Independent Field Research, Long Life Design

1) Observe the world around you — people on the streets, in shops, at events you attend and on your commute to school. etc. What practices (actions) do you see that enable Long Life Design — actions that support things to last? What actions do you see people do that make things quickly become unusable or thrown away? Post 2-3 photos + examples.

I would say that there are definitely some repair stores in New York City. One example would be ‘shutter island’, which is a store does repair vintage cameras, another example would be ‘light house’, where the work involved lights destined for tv, movies, and stage production. For more specific information:

things like fast fashion is something that people wear it one or few more times and throw them in the garbage for their terrible qualities. Also, not showing enough care and love towards the object would also make things quickly become unusable and thrown away.

2). Do you consider any of these suggestions already when buying clothes?

For me, I think I put the quality in the first place when buying clothing,  because I understand that a piece of good quality garment would last much longer. It is better to get something that you can wear it for a long time than something one-time only. For me, the appearance is also really important. Say if there is a good pair of walking shoes, the quality is great but it is not the look I wanted, I wouldn’t get it because I know I am not going to wear it.

3) Analyze your own actions. Provide at least one example of how you already practice Long Life Design and one example of how you don’t. Include 2-3 photos.  Consider the things that you will  keep or throw away by the end of the day, next week, end the semester and will keep beyond your time at Parsons. Is it more common that your actions or the materials themselves make things last  — or become trash?

Like what have been mentioned previous, when go shopping, I would put quality as my first standard. Also, I am practicing sustainable way to make clothing, and how that can last long. On the other side, I have to admit that I don’t give enough care for the object, and sometimes I broke things, which leads to buying a new one. For me, I think it is more common for the materials themselves last long and not my actions.

learn about the effects of climate change on food (Links to an external site.) and read about the new zero waste restaurant Rhodora (Links to an external site.). What do you think of these realities related to food systems? Would you like to visit this restaurant? Do you think it will last more than 10 years (why or why not)?

Global warming has been affecting many many systems in our world. After reading the article, the fact that many different categories of food has been affected significantly which is really sad. On the other side, the climate change made the work for farmers a lot harder. I found this restaurant really interesting, and I think it is really thoughtful and brave to take a action like this, but I think it the spirit behind it should be more spread, and if I have a chance, I would love to experience that. To be honest, I don’t know if the restaurant will last 10 years, because the way they operate the shop was much different than other ones, and the customers are not familiar with that kind of experience, which in my point of view, makes it difficult to last that long.

5) Next, read about Fong On tofu in Chinatown, a recently re-opened shop by Mr. Eng. This was once his grandfather’s 80-year-old store. (Links to an external site.) Do you think this new shop will last more than 10 years (why or why not)? How might a cultural community like Chinatown and a long history help enable this business to last? How might inventing new foods and approaches that attract new customers beyond the  local Chinese help it last? Do you think it’s possible to do both at the same time (combine a long history and new approaches)?

for me, it is exiting to see the article because i had experience of making tofu when I was little in China. I definitely hope that the store will last more than 10 years, and I also think they will because the history behind the shop. Again, like the article mentioned a few women were excited to buy these tofu because it reminds them if their childhood memories. Having something disappearing for so long, coming back is a big deal. The new approaches might better fit the taste of today’s community, and more young generations. I think it is possible to combine the long history and new approaches together, in fact, I think it will bring a interesting outcomes as doing both together.

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