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Dress Practice Log Reflection

I never really paid close attention to what I am wearing, why I am wearing it and how I am wearing my clothes up until the dress practice log I’ve created last week. I’ve alway thought of myself as a playful dresser but my dress log have proven me otherwise. My idea and memory of my style seem to have been pause at the time when I was still in high school. When I was a sophomore in high school, I would wear mint green, purple or turquoise pants with red converse. On top of it, I would always pair those pants with vibrant tops. My closet was filled with colours and at a point in my life, I did not own any black or white clothing. I would always draw attention and ridicules to myself. But now as I look into my closet, I realized that all the colours are gone and are replaced by tonal, earthy colours. Now, only my accessory still resembles my style from high school. Compare to what I used to wear, my style is now more sophisticated and professional. Instead of the playful, experimental phases I’ve been through before, my style has become static and safe. I don’t typically think about styling different outfit each morning, rather I pick out what I typically wear on a daily bases. What is comfortable for me as well as looking organized and clean. Now looking back at the past week, I might consider adding more colours and fun to my clothing to reflect my personality and creativity.

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