Video Project

Final Video:

Practice Video (Blue):



For this project, I used Pudovkin’s five basic editing techniques—contrast, parallelism, symbolism, simultaneity, and leit motif—in very different ways for each video. In the practice video, my use of these techniques was very literal; each transition was purposefully either contrast, parallelism, etc. In the second video, after having internalized these concepts a bit more, they took a much less literal form: the image of the moon is a recurring leit motif, while simultaneity is used heavily in the scenes in which the guinea pigs are transforming into their real-life forms. This was an exciting project to work on because I was able to control every single detail of the final video, since the set was completely handmade/assembled. And since I didn’t have any actors, I had to rely on the storyboard quite heavily to make a coherent narrative out of the film, as it was entirely up to me to keep the plot together. As a result, if anything I think that this project helped me learn to construct a linear narrative from a very non-linear process (I shot everything out of order, since I needed help holding the barbies/working with the guinea pigs, and my helpers were only available at certain times).

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