Through this photo set we choose to illustrate forgotten things or people that are we ignore or society ignores. Through everyday conversations we choose to show how the political mirrors the personal through everyday encounters with life. In order to not be biased and try to find examples from articles, we put them in reverse and found how articles are influenced by everyday life, and how problems are not getting fixed even though they are there.
I have learned that communication is key, in order for this project to work Eva and I needed a clear line of communication that was through text, and we scheduled when we should send each photo in order to not forget. As an absent minded person I found it quite difficult, but I managed to over come this and made sure I sent a photo everyday. Both Eva and I live off campus, and I think this helped us with our process of creating this set. A lot of the photos that we both took were experienced on our walk to or from class, and through our exploration of New York we were able to truly see the problems with the city.
Technology has influenced our photo set because it made it feel raw and added to the organic forgetfulness of this era. We are able to take so many photos that we are able to forget that we have them. This relates to our theme of the forgotten because the issue and people that we brought to light have been forgotten like photos on our camera roll.

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