Enclothed Cognition

Curly to Straight in One Day

Growing up being biracial was hard for me because I didn’t understand what that really meant at a young age. It didn’t make senses to me that my mother has straight hair and my father has curly hair. With the combination of the two, my hair is considered curly. Watching TV as a little girl, I would all way see an actress with straight hair and not curly. This made me want to straighten my hair. Going to a school with kids that had straight hair made me want to not have curly hair. I remember begging my mother to straighten my hair so I could fit in with my friends. Just till now moving to New York city, I started to wear my hair down and natural. Before that my hair would be up in a bun the only time that it was down is when it was straight. I feel comfortable in New York because there is a wide range of diversity of people that all look different.

For this experiment, I wanted to try to straighten my hair and wearing it for a day. Seeing what people’s reaction are and how I feel on the inside walking on the streets of New York city. Starting the experiment with get up early to straighten my hair was a pain in my butt. I could have used that 30 min for sleeping, that was a downfall in straining my hair. When I was finished doing my hair it was weird because have very thick hair and can be a lot onto of my head. After straightening my hair, it was very light and felt nice. At the top of my head, the one thing that I noticed was I touch my hair about every 15 mins throws out the day. Looking back at why I would touch my hair was because it was always falling in front of my face or it was so smooth. When I wear my hair curly I would not touch my hair because the curls would get ruined or my hair would stay in place. A lot of my friends said something about my hair when it was ironed and how it looks good, I kind of was expecting that from my friends. When walking the streets, I felt like more people were looking at me but that could just be me thinking too much. Having my hair straight gave me this weird self-confides about myself that I always wanted since I was a little girl. Society has put on people, that straight hair is society exactable then natural curly hair. At the end of the day, I took a shower and went back to my curly hair. As I get older my curls grown on me more and more making me straighten my hair less and less to gain self-confidences in myself. Now when I straighten my hair it to change my hair style, there is nothing more to it.



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