Space Final Proposal

The concept I want to explore during this final project is a “portable happy place”. There is this idea of “going to your happy place” when you’re upset or uninspired that intrigues me. I personally find in order to feel more centered and happy I usually want to be alone, listening to music, thinking happy thoughts – just in my “own world”. However, I can’t always just leave situations to go to my happy place. In these “emergency situations,” it would be helpful if I could instead bring my happy place with me. Although this isn’t the most practical portable shelter, I think this could be a fun and intriguing conceptual piece. Instead of a physical refuge, I’m interested in focusing on the emotional or mental refuge. I plan to make a miniature room/space about the size of a shoebox that I can “carry” with me. I want to work with either wood or acrylic for the box/frame of the room along with acrylic, wood, or 3d printing for the objects on the inside. 

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