kenna w. casto


half united ideas

Here are just a few sketches I came up with for one of my all-time favorite brands, Half United. I love how their products serve more than just one purpose. For every item you purchase you donate 7 meals to children… Continue Reading →


This is is by far my most favorite thing that I have ever designed. I cam up with this idea a few years ago when I was asked to design something for a child in need. They wanted something that… Continue Reading →

reading space and workout space

This is an older piece of mine but one of mine but still one of my favorites. We had to pick an active and a passive activity and create two different spaces for them that coexist. My two activities were reading and… Continue Reading →

colleen- light blue bullet necklace

Here are some more samples of my photography! This is my friend Colleen and she is originally from North Carolina and is currently studying music at Stetson University in Florida. She is wearing her light blue bullet necklace that really pops… Continue Reading →

3D skull

This is a skull I made in Adobe Illustrator. I had never used any of the Adobe programs before coming to Parsons, I had only used AutoCAD and Inventor. But after a semester I feel pretty comfortable with Illustrator, Photoshop, and… Continue Reading →

globally inspired chair

Here are sketches of a chair that I designed. It is inspired by 4 other chairs from different countries. The challenge of doing this was being able to draw my chair from all different perspectives. It has a lot of small details… Continue Reading →

jackson square close ups

Here are some great creative shots that show off my photography skills. I took these pictures of Jackosn Square a little triangle park in NYC just off of 13th street. These photos are supposed to depict the details in which… Continue Reading →

icosahedron 3D

This was also apart of creating my nesting geometric project. We built this big structure of wire and straws then taped the white triangles on in different formations creating different shapes. This helped me see how the shapes are all “carved”… Continue Reading →

nc vs ny thinking map

Here is a thinking map comparing and contrasting North Carolina to New York that was done back in my first semester at Parsons. I included this to show you all how I think and process my idea. I always have… Continue Reading →

wooden paint brush holder

Here is a wooden paintbrush holder I made for my Making Meaningful Things class. This was my first time using wood and I learned a lot of new things during this process! I learned how to use a lot of different… Continue Reading →

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