“Why Cities Flood” Response

The article talks about flooding as a constant problem that is not taken seriously until disasters happen. It also mentions that the major cause of flooding is urban development that happens on a large scale. It never crossed my mind that flooding impacts our lives so much because it doesn’t occur every day. We keep on developing cities but do not realize that the buildings we build cover the ground so it cannot absorb rainwater. It reminds me that we mostly think about making the world a better place by making advancements in technology, buildings, etc but forget about the effects we give to earth and nature, in this case, the water cycle.

It is mentioned that to solve these problems, cities have been including stormwater management in their work agenda, to make policies and plan the continuation of urban water systems. From all the solutions mentioned, I agree that the best way to prevent the flooding and the damage it creates it to reduce urban development because it makes sure that the leftover land can absorb water and prevent flooding in the future. However, this is a hard thing to do since what people think about nowadays is to keep on advancing towards the future through urban development.

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