Int. Studio: Harlem Neighborhood Research

A neighborhood thriving with deeply rooted and engraved culture, Harlem is said to be the most diverse part of New York City. Through research, visiting the different areas, and interviewing locals, we found out that the neighborhood’s rich cultural and traditional influences are what makes it such a distinct place and why so many call it home.

Most of the stores and shops in Harlem are owned and run by the locals. Though there are many big name chain stores, the place is full of local and privately owned spots as well.

(Illustrated by Nick Mansfield)

From talking with locals, the importance of culture and tradition was emphasized. One clerk pointed out that many wear traditional clothing that include bright colors, patterns, and shapes. Because tradition is so important to the people, there is no need to change who they are.

(Moodboard created by Stephanie Blackburn)

It was very difficult for Margo and I to conduct interviews. Due to that many did not want to participate as well as many were not native fro Harlem and had either transported for work or are just visiting.

Our first interview was by a lovely older European couple who we met at the park while they were walking their dogs.


Secondly, we were able to interview a woman who worked at a health insurance firm.

*she did not want to be recorded*
1) How long have you been in Harlem?
– She has lived in Harlem for more than 20 years. There are two neighborhood that the community identifies with. She is from Spanish Harlem which she believes is essential to Harlem culture.
2) What do you love and hate most about this neighborhood?
– She loves cultural and different backgrounds that are present throughout, such as Hispanic, African, European, and Latino. The different cultures and identities are always present. What she dislikes about the neighborhood is that there are a lot of empty space that could be used for better purposes for the community. She mentions how there a lot of homeless people who could be using that place as a shelter but are not allowed to. She is afraid that it will instead be gentrified and be taken away from the people.
3) What are some distinct characteristics about your neighborhood?
– The biggest distinction and difference presented in Harlem that differs from the other neighborhoods in Manhattan is the many different cultures, different languages that are spoken, and backgrounds. This results in a wide range of traditional foods and cultures that are authentic. There is also recent gentrification and modernization of the community that is taking place which she points out that many of the locals are not happy about. She believes that it is stripping what makes Harlem Harlem away. She mentions that bright colors such as orange, red, yellow, and pink are present in the clothing of people and different communities within the neighborhood still where traditional clothes.
4) What is your most memorable moment in this neighborhood?
– She expresses that Christmas is the best time in Harlem due to the decoration, lights, musical activities present specially in Spanish Harlem.
Overall, I believe up to this point we have all done effective research and have gathered enough information to start our project.

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