Sidewalk Documentary Reflection Part 1 (Assignment 3)

Keyana Alambeladi
Int. Studio 2

Sidewalk Documentary

– What information did you learn about the main character/s in the movie?

The characters in this film fight through many personal battles in order to
just survive every day. Whether it is to fight through addiction or social
difficulties, it is very difficult for vendors to keep moving forward in a society
where they are looked down upon and often ridiculed. Many learn their trade
through observation and partnership with those who are more experienced.
Almost all are looking forward to a brighter and easier future for themselves
and would love to receive more education and be able to get better life

– What research method/s the filmmakers use in the documentary?

The most effective research method was from the author of the book. He
himself became a vendor for many years to truly learn and observe the day
to day interactions and situations that make up a vendor’s life. Furthermore,
this method allowed him to create a comfortable and trusting relationship
with those he was questioning and interviewing, allowing for honest and
truthful answers and explanations.

– What questions do these videos provoke?

It is very important to look at life choices, backgrounds, and demographics of
these individuals and how they ended up to these moments in order to
further help, support, and prevent troubles in the future. It is very important
for a society to be looking after those not as fortunate in order to help the
further generation and it can only be done by dissecting and questions
current ways.

– What social support and structure in society you observed?

Those willing to give out their keys so the vendors can use their bathrooms
where one of the biggest supports provided. Also buildings that would put
aside books and magazines for vendors to look through provided a service as
well. One mother even referred to one of the vendors as a guardian angel for
her son for many years because he would see him walking to school

– What problems do you identify in the life of the sidewalk participants?

One of the biggest problems facing those living and making a living from the
sidewalks is the lack of support they receive from doing so. Throughout the
film there were many incidences were others were very vocal about their
disapproval of what the vendors were doing. Criticizing and insulting the
vendors is very common. The second big issue consists of a lack of
bathrooms. Many local businesses forbid non-customers to use their facilities
and this includes the vendors thus them not having access to a bathroom.
This lack of hygiene and toilets can lead to many health problems and

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