LES Walk Again

Questions to further investigate LES:

  1. What is the daily school life for children k-12?
  2. During the last two years of high school, how are children preparing for life after school?
  3. How do children get to school and get home and at what times?
  4. What lead to the massive movement towards gentrification?
  5. Why does it have the title of “Immigrant Neighborhood”

Ways to further investigate LES:

  1. Interview street vendors and performers who are present everyday
  2. People watch
  3. Go to bars
  4. play chess at US

I am studying gentrification because I am trying to find out its affects on long term residence of LES and how the demographics of the area have changed due to do affects of gentrification.

Sources for gentrification:


facts vs. fiction of gentrification

as one home owner gets frustrated with offers to sell his place, the history of displacement is developed on

How areas are losing those who made the history of the area because of gentrification

Affordable housing and Gentrification


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