The Cities of Tomorrow – Videos Reflection (Assignment 19)

1.      Should smart cities build from scratch? (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. 1:53 min

Cities such as Songdo, South Korea and Mascar City, Abu Dhabi are exploring different recycling methods and opportunities while a city in Japan tries out different sustainable lightening methods in the streets such as solar panels. I think that it is a smart idea to try out these methods in big cities because that is where the population lies as well as the movement of people.

2.      LAPD’s data mining program has CIA roots (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. 2:50 min

Big data analysis is changing how crime forces detect and handle crime. For example, licence plate readers automatically check every single plate the police car comes in contact with and checks the car for possible crime associations. Palantir is a software introduced that combines and includes all crime for an organized and easy finding. I believe that having a nationwide crime data base is very useful as crimes usually committed in one city by someone cannot be checked in another city to see the full extend of their criminal activity

3.      Smart garbage: The future of stink (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. 2:07 min

An automatic trash compacter bin in Philadelphia, powered by solar energy is making a huge difference in keeping the city clean. This video also mentions how this method has reduced the number of workers and trash collectors which saved money for the city. I believe that this is very counter productive as now a great number of people have lost their jobs. It might be saving the city money but it takes jobs and money away from the workers.

4.      Giant wind turbines vs a tiny bird (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. 2:13 min

175 wind turbines in London are generating enough power for 500,000 homes, however, they are making it difficult for a breed if birds to migrate properly. I believe that in order for a sustainable method to truly be helpful and sustainable, it has to work in all aspects and take all things in to considerations.

5.      Secrets behind this super-green building (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.2:28 min

Cities are using energy more than ever before. This video focuses on The Bullet Center, the greenest commercial building in the world. Throughout the entire building, it combines many different green methods instead of just one. Regulating temperature, energy, and water, this is the ultimate green building. I think in theory it is a fantastic idea and as buildings are being built they should look at this one for inspiration. However, it is important to look at the costs and budgeting of such a high functioning building.

6.      San Diego’s billion-dollar water bet (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. 2:28 min

As San Diego experiences a drought, they are building the largest water desalination in the western hemisphere. 50 gallons of water will be taken from the ocean a day to create drinkable and fresh water. However, this method is using a giant amount of energy to create and produce such clean and filtered water. As always when considering such huge projects with multiple different consequences, it is important to weigh the costs and benefits of everything to see what is necessary and what is not.

7.      Can surveillance make life easier? (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. 2:45 min

NYC is counting walking pedestrians in order to create more efficient waiting times and space. However, accuracy is still not at its best and the companies in charge of this are trying to categorize and organize its data.

8.      The city of tomorrow is already here (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.1:29 min

This video summarizes a few of the above and talks about growing issues and problems that we will be facing and how they are already being met with possible solutions.

9.      Inside the tallest building in the world (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. 2:37 min

Inside Dubai’s Burj Khalifa, from their flooring, walls, to windows, the builders of this building have thought of everything to make sure the building is as sustainable as possible. A chairman noting that the building is monitored every hour to make possible improvements. I think its important for buildings as iconic as this one to make sure they are being sustainable and not just existing for the aesthetics of its city.

10.   Is this the greenest city in the world? (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. 2:44 min

In Abu Dhabi, a self driving car is being in the makes. I believe that the idea of self driving cars needs to stop developing as the real method for a sustainable transportation system is public transit. Mass public transit will eliminate the number of vehicles, pollution, and traffic that is associated with transportation.

11.   City of the future, museum of the past (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. 2:30 min

An island museum in Doha is collecting the largest number of Islamic art in the world from multiple different cities. It is important to save our past in order to make a better future. Always comparing, analyzing, and improving is the only method of sustainable and efficient improvement.

  1. The genius evolution of the park bench (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. 1:20 min

A new park bench is being used in Boston. It is a solar panel powered bench that can also serve as a charger. I believe that this is a very functional and creative method especially in cities where sometimes power and charging ports are hard to find.

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