Seminar Reflection

In these final Bridges focusing on body covering as identity, how did your studio work and seminar work influence each other? What was the most influential thing you learned about your topic through research? What are you most proud of? Do you think of the subject fashion differently after this semester? What topics, themes, and […]

Comfort in Sickness

    One’s living space is not an inherently interesting place to whomever it provides its comforts to. When confronted with uncomfortable feeling–perhaps that of depression, sadness, anxiety and so on– a living space changes completely. It may begin to feel unfamiliar or perhaps a place of refuge. How does on interact in the space […]

Time Dance

  How do we encompass the passage of time? When do we put recognition to its existence? Opening and closure allows us to connect to a reality called time. Movement is a perfect example of this. One gesture begins, ends and is reborn as something new. In this piece, we see a series of gestures […]