Inside Out Response

I grew up drawing, painting and photographing. As I have matured, my interests have developed to include design, technology and digital media. In this project, I hope the viewer is able to see the world the way I do by taking a look into my brain.

In this project, I shed light on topics relating to the natural world by exploring the details of nature and the significance they have in life. Through this work, I can show the audience the things I see and how I see them. One of my aims is to capture things that are overlooked and which have peculiar beauty to me.

Technology has inspired and transformed my creative process. Since I’ve started this project, I have practiced using programs such as Photoshop and Illustrator. I first draw, paint or photograph nature. Then, I scan that work onto the computer and manipulate it digitally. By melding the natural and technological worlds, I want the viewer to recognize the undeniable significance of both in my life. Taking a natural image and transforming it digitally allows me to create a piece of art that is totally new, with different layers and textures – just like the layers of my brain.

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