Thesis 2: HW – Prototype Update 1 (Due 1.30)

Based on your research in previous weeks update/modify your prototype to reflect your developing understanding of what you’re making and for whom. Apply and document both of the Phase 2 methods that you selected from Universal Methods of Design in Week 1.


Writing Due:

Answer the following…


1. Who is your audience?

My Audience is____.

2. How well you know your users?

3. How well have you tested your idea with them?

I have not tested my idea with many people yet!

4. Who is your community of practice?

I definitely need help finding my community!


Documentation from SWOT analysis

in Week 1.

1. How will your SWOT analysis inform your project?

2.What changes will be made?


Write a persona and user journey with accompanying images that illustrate the flow.

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