BRIDGE #4 Hazards, Disasters, and Vulnerabilities

For my final project I wanted to highlight the looming danger of air pollution. I wanted to expose the threat of this issue through the depiction of a maze like structure of factories emitting smog. I began by sketching potential structures based off factory designs.

I then began a pen and ink drawing of the  chaotic factory structure. The design of the buildings relates to a topic I discussed in Seminar: How design affects people emotionally. I explain how factories often have flawed design, that is not only environmentally unfriendly, but also evokes negative emotions in both viewers and occupants. The piece also took inspiration from a quote about my personal experiences passing through industrial districts: “They appear in the distance like manmade mountains of metal and concrete, a massive machine with looming smokestacks pouring ash into the sky. The atmosphere changes as I approach, sudden unease sending chills down my spine.” The overwhelming and chaotic visuals in the piece emulate the negative emotions related to factories as well as the  issue of pollution.


After completing the Pen and Ink drawing, I scanned my piece into illustrator and edited it further, adding a gradient of density. I then printed the 40 inch by 84 inch prototype out on a plotter. I wanted the visual to be larger than life aas to create the same foreboding feeling the viewer would feel when looking at a looming factory. I then began experimenting with paper cutting techniques to give the piece depth and dimension.


For the final rendition of my piece, I decided to increase the size to 40 inches by 120 inches forcing the viewer have to look even farther up at the factory, heightening the emotional response from the looming structure.


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