UN Reflection

1. What were for you meaningful moments during the discussions and talks at the Trusteeship Council Chamber?

  • One meaningful moment to me was the talk about how the designers of tomorrow are so influential in the role of  shaping the future.  As the speaker talked about the future of the design industry and the potential impact my fellow designers and I could have, I  felt connected to my peers in that room, in my grade, and in Parsons as a whole.

2. How did you experience Lauren Redniss’ way of telling stories? Do you think her artform of pushing the way text and drawing interact has the capacity to reach people differently, can transport information of complexities in new ways?

  • I though Redniss’ way of telling stories was unique and impactful. I thought her illustration style was not only eye catching, but was able to tell important stories through beautiful and simple imagery. This unique style can connect with the viewer and give them important factual information in a different form than how it is usually presented to them, something artistic instead of a textbook or newspaper.

3. Timo Rissanen asked you to create a future that embodies possibilities after laying out some of the large issues in the fashion system. What are some perspectives Timo gave that helped you to envision change on a bigger scale in the fashion industry?

  • Throughout Timo’s talk, he explained issues present in the fashion industry; from a garments creation and the materials used, to its decomposition and effects on the environment. Before his explanation of these various problems, I did not have such an deep understanding of the state of the industry. After this discussion I have a better understanding of the challenges posed for both the designers of today, and the designers of tomorrow.

4. Joel Towers talked about the context we are living in and the importance of redesigning our designed world. As an aspiring designer, artist, business innovator how do you envision new possibilities that could contribute to a paradigm shift in how we design, what we offer with our art, how we rethink existing business structures? (paradigm shift: a fundamental change that happens when the usual way of thinking about (or doing something is replaced by a new different way)

  • As an aspiring designer, I found the sustainable changes being made in Copenhagen to be groundbreaking and an extremely important step towards creating more eco friendly cities. I believe that future designers will learn from Copenhagen’s progress, further developing and rethinking the environmentally friendly designs, to create green possibilities that can be implemented around the world.

5. Walking out of the UN after the event how did the evening impact you? Did you leave hopeful, concerned, overwhelmed, inspired? Explain.

  • At first, I felt a little overwhelmed by the state of the world at the moment and the challenges facing designers in the future, however, I also felt inspired and encouraged. It inspired me to make the work that I do now, and my future work as a designer, to always be important and meaningful.

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