Time Final: A La Derive



Director- Wes Anderson

Style- Vintage 1930s/40s



For this project I wanted to focus on the emotion of happiness, specifically the idea of one taking control of their own happiness instead of relying on other people and things to bring joy. In my video, I show  a girl who is surrounded by things to make her happy: joyful bubbly company, delicious food, expensive bags, and   beautiful jewels, yet despite having all theses things, she still cant find happiness. I play around with color schemes in this video, switching between color and black & white to represent juxtaposition between the happy characters and the lack of joy within the main character. I also use pink roses throughout the piece as the represent her emotions in a physical form. Pink roses traditionally represent “joy of life”, and since this character has none, the roses are dead and withered. When the character leaves the table, she is alone and strips herself of the physical things that are supposed to give her happiness. She feels a weight lifted off of her and breathes a sigh of relief, she then begins to self reflect, going inside her mind to take control of her happiness and discover what gives her joy. Here she is fully in color as she has found her happiness, the dead roses from earlier in the film have been exchanged for a single pink rose full of life; this shows that she has regained her “joy of life” by looking inwards instead of looking outwards.  As she reawakens from this dreamlike state she discovers that the pink rose from her “happy place” has followed her, bringing color and joy into her life once again.

Link to Video: https://vimeo.com/335190544


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