Bridge 4: Part 2

Bridge 4: Part 2

For my reconstructed functioning object, I am going to take apart a lava lamp and make candles out of the different parts. The reason for this idea is because the substance originally used in a lava lamp is wax so I am just going to add more to the existing.

Materials Needed:

Lava lamp parts: glass vase, metal base, and metal topper (the three molds for the candles)
Paint (decoration)
Crayons (for coloring the wax
Essential oil: eucalyptus (for scenting the candles)
Original wax from lava lamp (purple)


Friday November 17:
Deconstructed lava lamp, bought materials, and thought of ideas
Monday November 20:
I ordered the wax and wicks from Amazon due to prices options and they are set to arrive this Monday. Once arrived I will be able to begin the process of making the cancels
Thanksgiving Break: I am not going home for the holiday break so I will spend the next week constructing the candles. Once my wax arrives I will have all materials needed and will be good to go for next class.

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