Exquisite Corpse

We started an activity in class called ‘Exquisite Corpse’ and we basically draw either the head or body or bottom, then we cover the drawing that we did and past it on to the next person. There weren’t any restrictions of drawing the head, body, and bottom. You can draw it abstract or defined or more, also you can use any dark and crisp drawing items (pen, pencil, or marker).

When we finished the piece, then we have hung it on the wall to observe it. As you can see, each part has a different style, however, it somehow goes well together to create these collage pieces. We have 10 minutes to draw our part and we can draw as many as we want. For me, I chose to do abstract drawings because I want to create patterns. Since we know that every part of our body is made out of different atoms, blood vessels, and other structures. Therefore, I chose to draw these patterns that simulate atoms connecting each other to build up the body parts.

The head: The multiple small circles are different thoughts and knowledges, which represents our brain that contains many cells and we use our brain to think about a lot of things.

The body: Patterns that look more flexible represents how we can move with our body parts and how our intestines generate.

The bottom: More structural and linear patterns to represent our foot that holds your upper body and I made the pattern visually strong to the viewers to let them see the strength in it.

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