Wood Joints

In this wood-joint unit, we have to create 5 different wood joints with poplar wood.

5 different wood-joints sketch diagrams:



Mortise  Tenon


Dowelled Butt

Finger Aka box


As first we have drawn some layout drawings for the wood-joints to have a clear sense what would it look like and the measurements that we needed. Also, we have acknowledges that good wood-joints can’t see light through it and also there shouldn’t be any gaps in between them. Moreover, we need to make the wood-joints smooth and by achieving this, I have used the sand machine and the files to smoothen out the edges.

After planning out the wood-joint diagrams and figuring the materials that were needed, I have gone to the making center to make the actual objects. Throughout looking at the samples and pictures, I then figured out ways to make the wood-joints. For further questions, I then have asked the staff in the making center. During making the wood-joints, for me, the most challenging one was the Mortise Tenon because you need to create the inner box in the wood. I have tried few times and the side always breaks a lot. For the final one, I used the drilling machine to drill holes in it first, so it makes it more convenient to dig out the rest.


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