Temporary Sustenance- Working with food

Process/ sketches


Final Works

Temporary Sustenance

Raw meat, Banana, Vegetable, Apple, Chocolate, Printed Papers and Photoshop

Each of the food items represents values, ideas, and emotions that most of us prioritize in our lives. All of the food objects are temporary, which corresponds to the changes that take place in our surroundings and within us over time, which shows my theme of ‘Temporary Sustenance.’ I want my audience to feel the intensity of my work expressed by the combination of food objects and text as well as through the use of strong colors for emphasis.

Just as we all need food on a daily basis to survive, we depend on  However, we require different sustenance and the ever-changing world provides us with different experiences. We cannot predict — and sometimes cannot control — what will happen next. Rather than choosing non-perishable items, I selected food objects that change states over time. The food objects I have selected represent values and priorities in our daily lives. Each food represents a different value. For meat, it represents pain and sadness. For banana, it means communication. For vegetables, it means health and life. For chocolate, it means sweet and love. For Apple, it means fortune. 

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