Time: 20 sequence photos

For time class, we have to make a sequence of 20 photos and it has to show process from start to end. The topic that we think for the it has to be something you do daily and most of the time. After taking the 20 photos, then you have use creativity to find a way to show and install the 20 photos.

Sketch ideas and Process

At the start, I thought about many ideas that can be shown as a sequence, however I chose the meat idea because it is the most effective and the I find it aesthetic. Moreover, I have used the medium meat in severe pieces, but this meat art is created in a different way. The materials that I have used are real meat, cooking utensils, photography and transparent zipper bag. The process of making this art piece is to cook the meat slowly and take pictures for each step, then by cutting the meat shape out into the zipper bag to create feeling of real meat packaging.

Final Work/Installation

Furthermore, I chose the meat idea for the 20 photos again is because of the aesthetic and also because I live by myself, therefore I cook; but meat specially because of the strong red color and the pattern of the meat creates strong visual. I have cut the outline of the meat to make it more realistic and it is in a zipper bag for presenting to make it look more precious and producing the feeling of real frozen meat packaging in the real world. By looking from the left to right, you may see both sides of the meat cooked; the 20 photos mainly shows the process of the meat being cooked. This 20 photos art piece presents the daily action or things to do almost everyday, which why the whole design looks consist to show the feeling of repetition.

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