Research: 3 Photo Shoots

Research for Own Studio Photoshoot 


This artist is Helen Frankenthaler in her studio with her artworks. One thing that I like about the photo shoot is that her clothing matchings the colors with her artworks. Also, she is right in the middle of her artworks; her artworks are set as backgrounds, which looks like she is in an abstract place. An element that I can adapt for my photoshoot is to also wear the same color theme with my works as well.



This is one of my favorite artist called Francis Bacon and he is in his London studio in 1974. Although it is messy, however, you can see the all of his process and scrap papers of ideas. Moreover, the messiness created intensity in the background like patterns and it made the studio looks like its full of pieces of information to seek. One thing I am inspired by is the different scrap papers of ideas stuck to the wall; I can also stick my drawings on the wall and leave my sketchbook open to showcase in the photo too.



This is Claude Monet’s studio, as you can see it is black and white because of the time period he is in. The monochrome filter brings the feeling of vintage and old-fashion style out of the picture. Also, it is interesting to see the furnitures and neat interior design clearly. The elements that I can adapt from is to use a filter too or show some of my items that I used while making the works and also put some other household object as decoration for the photo.

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