
Digital fabrication 3

Starting off by creating a mood board by drawing inspiration from animal skin and pattering to come up with a design for a jewelry design piece and swatch design in form of an interlocking chain for a dress or amour design piece that would be wearable in real life situations.


Mood board



Collaborative Final project by Mingfei & Lisa

After discussing and sharing our first ideas in class Mingfei decided to collaborate on this project and design a piece that is based on the feather and vertebrate studies. Together we closely examined the feathers of an African ostrich.

We started off my quick sketch after we switched than to Rhino and started experimenting drawing and collaging shapes. Additionally, we decided to split the work by Mingfei working on the dress and me working on the jewelry design. We constantly collaborated and shared ideas, while also designing together the sample swatch.


This chose some process photos of me designing and printing the black eye ring while Mingfei was working on the dress. Together we also worked on the interlocking swatch that we would use for real in making this dress.


Rhino exploration and inspirations…



Experimenting phase and designing…


After our first swatch didn’t print on the automaker machine we redesigned our first design and learned a lot about checking our file and shapes whether they are closed poly-surfaces or not, which happened to be the mistake in our first design.


Final pieces needing some refining with sanding paper…





Final Jewelry Design piece


Final swatch design piece 




Final dress design and patterning 



































BFA Fashion Design

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