
A Coloured Cube On A Checkered Board

An amalgamation of colours when well handled. Dissolving into a state of pandemonium when mishandled. I am tough to solve and even harder to sway. Robust and sturdy about my opinions, I stand strong to protect all that I believe in. As much as you try to mold me my emotions may fluctuate but my values will remain unshakable. However, when you will touch me mellifluously I will occasionally fragment into a number of pieces. Thus, my outward appearance may seem to be indomitable but in reality it just a facade that can fade away in a matter of seconds. Once understood I am incredibly transparent, but if not, you will never get a hang of me. Thus join all the dots and bridge all the gaps so that my colours fall into place. This is the essence of my being which is completing and completed all at once.

An extremely mobile piece I like venturing out of my comfort zone. I will always protect my King but also safeguard my dignity and reputation. High expectations and standards, I never like to fall short of. Victory delights me while failure devastates me. I take long strides on the path I want to walk, as an invincible extrovert I can be doughty but also a little stubborn. If my king is unwilling and sluggish I will accept his bad and appreciate his good. Thus, as particular as I am that’s how accommodating I can be. How ever far my ambitions reach I will never deceive nor trample over my loved ones. Loyalty and staunchness are a few qualities my significant others can definitely vouch for. Thus take the pawn till, together we are unbeatable. Check mate against all odds

I am like a rubick’s cube. An arduous puzzle, once solved, comes order through chaos. I am like the Queen on a chessboard who struggles, fights but also protects.


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