A Follow Up Visit

Church of St. Francis Xavier (46 W 16th street)

What do you expect to see there/how do you expect them to look like — what elements will be there for sure?

I expect to see a large castle-looking building with intricate carving on the stone walls of the exterior. Elements will include a staircase leading into the church. A long aisle that has rows of seating on both sides. Candles and yellow soothing lighting will set the mood.

Describe in 5 adjectives each of the interior:

Grand, calming, magical, bright, orderly, repetitive

What does the interior “do” to you?

The interiors lifted my spirits and made me feel awake and alive. It was very satisfying and pleasing to the eye.

HOW does it “do” it (be specific about formal decisions made)?

I feel like it is satisfying due to the repeating domes, organised seating in straight lines and equidistant or balanced chandelier/light fixtures. The feeling of being awoken possible came due to the sunlight piercing through the windows on the ceiling.

Does the interior reflect your expectations? Explain. Was there anything surprising that you notice?

Yes, with the grand entrance and spacious interior, the space did reflect my expectations. Even though I had only visited a church at a very young age, my idea of what it would look like were pretty accurate.  The amount of artwork and beautiful paintings around the walls of the church were a pleasant surprise.

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