Reading & Writing Response #3: Project One Feedback and Alice Sheppard Questions

Prompt #1: In your blog,  jot down the feedback and comments that you received in class after presenting your research and ideas.


  • considering the bias I would be taking into the project aided in making me more objective – Brad 
  • primarily using film as my preferred medium was aligned with projects I’ve done in the past – Sky 
  • all 3 studies were honest and true – Karen 
  • how I perceived the responses from each interview was an unavoidable bias that probably influenced how I chose to represent it – Class*
  • clear, honest, and true – Class*

I thought it was interesting to hear how others processed my attempt i to avoid including my inherent bias within my studies. Personally, it’s something I don’t think anyone can ever avoid to the full extent due to our innate need and desire to defend ourselves, despite there being no evidence of an actual attack. Because of this, although deep down I surely understood the critiques came from no place of malice, I felt myself succumbing to human nature of wanting to defend my ideas rather than listen to how they were perceived by others. Another part of my critique that stood out to me was how many people realized my love for the moving image! Although film stands as my preferred weapon of choice within my artistry, I strongly underestimated how evident this may be to people besides myself. Sky’s comment on my integration of film within our last three major projects made me think about how much of ourselves we share with others on a daily basis without thought or intention to do so. More specifically, it brought me back to the ideation process I faced when creating the first study for Project One: Mapping the Self, How You Think Others Percieve You. I realized that for this piece, I focused primarily on what how I believe I’m perceived based off of my facial expressions and appearance. Without even trying to, I disregarded the unspoken parts of myself I share during my day to day encounters with others.


Prompt #2: Write 3 things you would like to ask Alice Sheppard.

  1. How do you balance defending yourself against prejudice as woman of color vs. prejudice as a disabled person?
  2. Do you find the label “disabled” debilitating or insulting?
  3. In spite of all the difficulty attached to it, of all things, why did you decide to become a dancer?



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