Reading & Writing Response #4: Questions for Amelia + Reading Notes

Prompt #1: Write 3 things you would like to ask Amelia.

  1. Do you believe human beings use technology as a means to solve problems or create problems in order to further create solutions?
  2. How do integrate being a creative technologist and creative director?
  3. What is it like being a woman in tech?


Prompt #2: Answer the following questions –

1.) We think we’re designing for humans; but we are really designing for individuals in negotiation with other systems. How does the individual relate to these larger systems?

Individuals are the tastemakers for how systems function. Although it is usually unconscious, we are often contributing to the structure of an undiscovered and system

2.) How are power & control constructed through images, design, networks, algorithms and economies?

Systems of power are able to decide what pieces of media are accessible to the general public.

4.) How is agency constructed? What is it, who has it, how is it acquired and facilitated?

Agency is constructed based off the desired audience of a system. Once this is specified the the function of the agency and it’s purpose can be further examined.

5.) How do we design and represent our own identities, and design those of others?

We design and represent our identities based off what we want to be perceived as rather than who we are in the current day and age. I think this is due to our natural human tendency to view ourselves in the best light possible.

6.) What bodies and users are empowered through different kinds socially designed frameworks?

7.) What are social, political, economic implications of the data we generate and information we monetize?

This information is a larger factor when shaping our surrounding worl.d


Random Reading Notes:

“New Rochelle Eyes Augmented Reality in City Planning” (Article

  • technology is often used as a problem solver
  • “sociopolitical issues can be algorithmically solved

“Mansplain it to Me: inside the Stupid Hackathon for extremely stupid ideas” (Article)

  • “sometimes the most interesting questions are posed when being stupid” – Arwa Mahdawi

“Virtual reality was supposed to help us understand each other unlike any other medium. That’s a delusion.” (Article)

  • potential good over manipulation and abuse?

“Before Everyone Was Talking About Decentralization, Decentralization Was Talking to Everyone” (Article)

  • there is unification in story telling
  • introduce new elements that push the narative in new directions

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