Project partner’s project

My partner’s project was

  1. Go to a public park (FDR Freedom Park)
  2. Take pictures
  3. Research about the park
  4. Write an essay (history of the park) arguing about either effective or not
  5. Create a 3D art (Her group made a half metallic half clear vest representing “Freedom”)


  1.  HISTORY– This picture reminds me “history” of the park. The color of the building is fading away, and the building itself is tattered that we can even see the frameworks of the building. Also, the design of the building is old that we can tell it was built long time ago. Around the building there is a fence which has leaves look like vine all over. It atmospheres old time of the park .
  2. SPACE– This picture takes place in a large simple place of the park. Big concrete space has endless point in front, and it merges with the sky. This piece shows “space” of the park.
  3. DREAM– This picture was taken from the park face to New York City over the river. There are lots of modern buildings which contain people’s dreams. Even though the park itself is very calm and isolated, if you cross over the river, there is one of the biggest cities.
  4. Freedom– There is a walkway on the left of the picture, stone paving, river, and the city. It shows freedom because there are 4 options you can decide where you want to be. No one will force you to do anything. You can decide whatever you wish to do in this picture, and I think it is very freedom that there is not rule or instruction what you do and where you go.

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