Fashion Studies learning post 3

I really enjoyed interviewing my roommate alex. She was very different then me in the fact that she presents herself differently and has a different mindset when shopping. She thinks in a very functional way and has a strong developed aesthetic for dressing. I was able to see how she differs from me in our subjective positions. Alex knows what she wants in her life and living by that through her work and daily life. I also really enjoyed seeing Alex’s closet and to see how she has it organized because it’s so much different from my own. She is very neat in comparison to me and has a unique way of deciding where to put things. I noticed the theme of comfort had formed. Alex is very much about working effectively and comfortably to produce her best work which is evident in her wardrobe. I liked that alex did not dress specifically to fit a gender role or to fit into her class, she was very much about what looks best and is low effort, but still with good results. “I am not attempting to categorize each women according to her class, ethnicity or any other predefined sociological variables” (Woodward 37). I think this quote really applies to what I felt with Alex. I tried to not judge her or stereotype her into a category because I think she is unique on her own.

Woodward, Sophie. Why Women Wear What They Wear. New York: Berg, 2007.


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