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This assignment was on the reading of “Handles.” At first, this piece seriously confused me. It was our first exposure to a braided essay and it was a lot to take in. Despite difficulties, this post serves as an introduction to researching/citing sources, as we did our own research on the topic of handles.



Some people may think that handles are among the mundane; those folk would be quite wrong. In fact, several new patents for creative and mechanical handle designs are released frequently. One patent paper for an LG Refrigerator featured in the Atlanta Journal of Engineering highlights that “one end of the handle holder of the door assembly is fixed to the door and another end of the handle holder is attached to the handle,” 1 Revolutionary! More recent news about handles was featured in The Ottawa Citizen. The fashion reporter noted that “Shoppers are also spending big dollars for the right handles, with Rocky Mountain’s $1,000 model a popular hit, along with the company’s estate collection, which will also set your bank account back $1,000. Baldwin’s distressed antique bronze and nickel sets are an affordable, good-looking option and cost $360,” 2 These extensive prices prove the true value of the modern handle– everyone wants one in the most lavish finishes. Handles are interpreted in a wide variety of ways due to their variety of types. Universally used, I wouldn’t be surprised if I saw some pieces inspired by handles on the runway next season.


“LG Electronics Inc.; Patent Issued for Door Assembly of Refrigerator.” Journal of Engineering, Sep 05, 2012. https://login.libproxy.newschool.edu/login?url=https://search-proquest-com.libproxy.newschool.edu/docview/1035677680?accountid=12261.

Winston, Iris. “Fashionable Accessories: Dressing Up Doors Maximizes Curb Appeal.” The Ottawa Citizen, Nov 30, 2002. https://login.libproxy.newschool.edu/login?url=https://search-proquest-com.libproxy.newschool.edu/docview/240599656?accountid=12261.



This was a great simple way to begin the research unit. I learned how to format footnotes and the bibliography the right way before I passed in an official paper, which was really helpful. This connects to this class and my other classes because it was a preface to other research assignments I had to do this semester. An unexpected challenge was inserting footnotes into the LP post. Really not a fan of the LP blogging software, not very intuitive or easy to work with. Despite difficulties, still finished this post with a correctly formatted footnote section (I think).

  1. “LG Electronics Inc.; Patent Issued for Door Assembly of Refrigerator,” Journal of Engineering, Sep 05, 2012. https://login.libproxy.newschool.edu/login?url=https://search-proquest-com.libproxy.newschool.edu/docview/1035677680?accountid=12261.
  2. Iris Winston, “Fashionable Accessories: Dressing Up Doors Maximizes Curb Appeal,” The Ottawa Citizen, Nov 30, 2002. https://login.libproxy.newschool.edu/login?url=https://search-proquest-com.libproxy.newschool.edu/docview/240599656?accountid=12261.

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