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For this part of the project on the word Cloak, I chose two cloaks from the Met and one from the Rubin museum. I chose the two from the Met because they are classic 19th century cloaks worn by citizens. The cloak from the Rubin is titled “Black Cloak Mahakala” and it is not a wearable cloak as the others are. In my essay, I want to capture the versatility of the word cloak, so these multiple uses of the word are beneficial for research purposes. Also attached are my sketches from class– I was using the word “bejewel” at that point and I’ve since changed to cloak, so the notes there are not that useful.

For my essay, I’ve begun to envision how the “braided” aspect will work. The items from The Met and The Rubin will prove useful for my research because they offer new interpretations of the word. The connections I’ve made with my literary research may be quite different than what I find with visual research– which is why these items are of use to me; I want to be able to expand my understanding of the word cloak and explore its full meaning.

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