July 18

“Re-use & Retain” Water bottle:

A water bottle created to help remind you during your stressful day. Customizable, you can connect the bottom portion of the bottle to an app on your phone and select phrases based on your mood, day, or just updates (like the news). Remembering is as easy as ever as you snap the ‘reuse and retain’ to the water bottle. Wanting to keep up with your day or just feeling forgetful? No problem. Just take out your water bottle to stay informed and stay hydrated.

“Be-calm Bubble”:

This highly functioning, but easy to use bubble was inspired by the busy day to day lives everyone leads. Even children in tough situations could use the bubble as an escape with an installed ‘choose your own’ system for music and sounds. Reducing stress is important, so no matter where you go the “be-calm bubble” can go, too.










I chose to create the “Be-calm Bubble” as my final prototype. Here are some images of the low resolution prototype I made out of wood and duck tape.

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